Health insurances and extra coverages

Health Insurance Flex

young couple
  • Easy and flexible access to online treatment with a psychologist and psychotherapist
  • Treatment from, for example, a physiotherapist, chiropractor, or osteopath
  • Advice from nurses and doctors about all health issues.

Per child: 84,91 DKK monthly (0-24 years)

157,91,- monthly

Health Insurance Basis

man with child
  • Treatment from, for example, a physiotherapist, chiropractor, and psychologist
  • Treatment guarantee of 10 working days with a specialist doctor
  • Advice from nurses and doctors about all health issues

Per child: 84,91 DKK monthly (0-24 years)

299,58,- monthly

Health Insurance Senior

senior woman
  • Tailored for you who are retired or about to leave the workforce
  • Treatment from, for example, a specialist doctor, physiotherapist, and psychologist
  • Cataract treatment
  • No age limit

Available from the age of 60 

Fra 324,58,- monthly

Critical Avantage

hands holding
  • Access to treatment abroad
  • For those who want extra coverage for certain serious illnesses
  • Get expenses covered for travel, examination, and treatment abroad
  • Option to have a companion with you

147,50,- monthly

Family 360

family swimming
  • Personal contact nurse who assists with communication with hospitals and the municipality
  • Get more time to be with your loved ones
  • Advice on treatment plans
  • Option to register grandparents
62,08,- monthly

How our health insaurances cover

Heath Insurance




Heath Insurance


Physiotherapist & chiropractor
Examination by a medical specialist
Online/digital psychologist
Examinination and treatment by a medical specialist
Acupuncturist, zone therapy og dietician
Health Navigator an health professional advice
Home nursing and assistance
Rehabilitation after surgery
Trauma counselling
Online doctor
Preventive helpline
Second opinion
Addiction therapy
Senior counselling
Osteopath examination
Allergy diagnosis

What our customers say

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