Our organisation

Dansk Sundhedssikring strengthens our customers' health when they experience challenges with their mental or physical well-being. PrimaCare ensures our customers the best network of quality-assured healthcare providers in Denmark. DSS Hälsa is the Swedish counterpart of Dansk Sundhedssikring.

Together, we form Oona Health A/S. We enhance health for more people – including you. With us, your health is in good hands all the way from the first symptoms to treatment. Oona Health A/S is owned by Topdanmark Bidco A/S.


Kent Jensen, CEO

Allan B. Møller, CFO

Flemming Bonde Jakobsen, CCO

Gustav Dahlberg, MD DSS Hälsa og CPO

Claus Brink, COO

Henrik Engmark, CTO

beach and person

Board of Directors

Peter Hermann, Chairman of the Board

Lars Kufall Beck, Board Member

Samuel Lennart Hedin, Board Member

Syed Shehzad Ahmad, Board Member

Poul Bertel Steffensen, Board Member


Oona Health A/S ejes af Topdanmark Bidco A/S
Primacare A/S ejes af Oona Health A/S
Forsikringsselskabet Dansk Sundhedssikring A/S ejes af Oona Health A/S
DSS Hälsa AB ejes af Oona Health A/S